Logo and claim: distances

Logo margin distance

The distance from logo and claim to the edge of the format area is a multiple of the logo height (Y). In normal cases, the distances are 1.5 Y and are symmetrical.

Margin distance: exceptions

Under exceptional circumstances, the distances can be asymmetrical for design and technical reasons only.

In such cases, the specified minimum distance is 1 Y or 0.5 Y, so once - or half - the logo height. Exceptional cases include media where the focus is entirely on the logo, on flags or pens, for example.

Logo - Margin distance examples

Example 1,5 Y

1,5 Y distance is standard

Example 1 Y

Small formats or applications with the focus entirely on the logo the margin distance of 1 Y is used.

Example 0,5 Y

The absolute exception: In extreme formats the margin distance can be lowered to 0,5 Y.

No Go‘s 1,5Y

If in narrow formats too much space is lost with the distance of 1,5 Y, a distance of 1 Y can be used instead.

No Go's 1 Y

For formats with sufficent place it is not allowed to use the margin distance below 1 Y.

No Go's 0,5 Y

For formats with sufficent place it is not allowed to use the margin distance below 1,5 Y.

Claim distance

As a rule, the distance from the edge of the format area is 1.5 Y. The distance is measured to the edge of the claim (to the lower case "g" from the bottom and the "l" from the top).

Again, the distance from the format edge can be reduced to 1 Y and 0.5 Y in exceptional justified cases. The distance from claim to the baseline is always 0.5 Y.

Claim - distance from the format edge and the basic line

Applications not permitted

distance to format edge too low
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