Case 1: Claim at the basic line -> normal case
The distance to the basic line is 0.5 of the logo height Y. They are always alligned to each other. The form of the claim is mandatory.
The exact rules for the claim size can be found at design principle/ logo and claim size. The rules for dealing with the basicline, you can find here.

Case 2: claim without basic line
The second case is when the claim is not attached to the basic line and the logo anymore. The claim must remain unchanged in his form. The line is dropped. No line is above the claim.
This case can occur if the used media can not follow the normal uvex design principles. These are cases such as T-shirts, pens, videos, animated banners, car stickers etc. Case 2 is not an alternative choice for the normal case (ad, etc.)
Information on how to handle case 2 further below.

Case 2: Usage of logo and claim
Depending on the application, in case 2 logo and claim can be used as well as only the claim by itsself.
If both elements are used, there is the following basic rule: Both claim as well as logo need enough free space, they are never placed directly next to each other, they are placed with as much free space in the medium.
They are used in a balanced size-ratio to each other.